Monday, April 2, 2012

Project Runway Challenge 3 Winner and loser

And the winner is Emma Stone! The judges loved this outfit, with all the catcalling and whistling from our old fools (dohohohohoho) and the declaration the skirt was too short, Emma Stone has finally won a challenge. This outfit will be appearing shortly in our magazines "Holiday Nightmares" "Naughty or nice, sugar and spice" and "Fashion Don't."

Thanks for voting guys and girls and everything in between.

And Watson was the loser, sadly as his outfit did not meet the guidelines of the challenge. His outfit can be found on the previous post if you're curious.

Challenge 3 results(holiday challenge)

The following designs are safe and can leave the runway

Ellen Page: Thanksgiving

Sherlock Holmes: Oktoberfest

Helena Bonham Carter: Halloween

Johnny Depp: Halloween

Now we move onto the highest scores

Hermione: Miss Piggy has been quite the contender since the beginning. This outfit is awesome. Very chic. I love the details on the dress.

Statler: That dress is a show stopper.

Waldorf: Yah, too bad it didn't stop the show. dohohoho.

Statler: She looks like a Christmas ham.

Yup....That is one elegantly wrapped ham.

Waldorf: No wonder the price of bacon went soaring last week. Dohohohohohoho.

Hermione: I'm impressed. She fits the challenge perfectly though the dress is a little bit too short.

Waldorf: That was a strange looking dress, a weird looking dress, not a bad looking dress, A pretty good looking dress, A fantastic looking dress, A wonder ful dress and excellent and amazing dress....

Statler: Brava! Brava!

Hermione: I like this outfit a lot. It fits the holiday nicely but it does make me think 'costume' rather than 'fashion.'

S: "She lights up the stage like the 4th of July in that outfit."

S: I think I'm seeing stars.

W: *whacks Statler in the head with a 2 By 4. Well if you weren't before, you are now. Dohohohoho

And now we move onto the lowest scores

W: That outfit reminds me of a 25 cent cigar.
S: Why's that?
W: Cause it's cheap and it stinks. Dohohoho

S and W:
We think Watson's Outfit has taken a holiday.
It's time for him to celebrate international get of the stage day.
S and W: We think Wotson was playing Scrooge with his outfit.

S and W:
We're not sure where the designer found it or how she did it but we think Mimi has put the word mental into this ornamental dress.