The following designs are safe and can leave the runway
Ellen Page: Thanksgiving
Sherlock Holmes: Oktoberfest
Helena Bonham Carter: Halloween
Johnny Depp: Halloween
Now we move onto the highest scores
Hermione: Miss Piggy has been quite the contender since the beginning. This outfit is awesome. Very chic. I love the details on the dress.
Statler: That dress is a show stopper.
Waldorf: Yah, too bad it didn't stop the show. dohohoho.
Statler: She looks like a Christmas ham.
Yup....That is one elegantly wrapped ham.
Waldorf: No wonder the price of bacon went soaring last week. Dohohohohohoho.
Hermione: I'm impressed. She fits the challenge perfectly though the dress is a little bit too short.
Waldorf: That was a strange looking dress, a weird looking dress, not a bad looking dress, A pretty good looking dress, A fantastic looking dress, A wonder ful dress and excellent and amazing dress....
Statler: Brava! Brava!
Hermione: I like this outfit a lot. It fits the holiday nicely but it does make me think 'costume' rather than 'fashion.'
S: "She lights up the stage like the 4th of July in that outfit."
S: I think I'm seeing stars.
W: *whacks Statler in the head with a 2 By 4. Well if you weren't before, you are now. Dohohohoho
And now we move onto the lowest scores
W: That outfit reminds me of a 25 cent cigar.
S: Why's that?
W: Cause it's cheap and it stinks. Dohohoho
S and W:
We think Watson's Outfit has taken a holiday.
It's time for him to celebrate international get of the stage day.
S and W: We think Wotson was playing Scrooge with his outfit.
S and W:
We're not sure where the designer found it or how she did it but we think Mimi has put the word mental into this ornamental dress.